About Me

Hi! I’m Milo J. Hooper, a mechanical engineer based out of Manchester, New Hampshire. I graduated in 2021 from MIT with a focus on electromechanical systems applied to the biological domain.

Ultimately, I seek to enhance the lived human experience through technological interventions, employing whatever domains of knowledge are necessary to do so, and continually expanding my knowledge in order to better do so.

I originally envisioned myself working on medical devices, and I still suspect that will occur to some degree, but my first few years out of undergrad have taken me more into a manufacturing, automation, and design consulting direction.

This portfolio site originally housed (and still does) many of my school-era projects, but I’ve only recently started using it again to dump some interesting information about some prior work experiences. I hope to post further personal projects soon!

As of July 2024 I have also founded my deliberately-broad-scoped technology company known as Auridium Technologies LLC (see auridium.tech for more details).

Immediately following the public launch of Auridium, I am also going to start firing off articles at my new non-technical blog, Defusion (defusion.substack.com). I hope to start writing roughly a post a week there, but we will see how that goes.

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