
First Foray Into Contracting: PVD Products

A taste of what’s possible After Mytide imploded at the beginning of Summer 2023, I took a few months to casually apply to jobs and spend a lot …

My Startup Journey with Mytide Therapeutics

My first job out of undergrad was at a now-defunct company called Mytide Therapeutics. The premise was to have an automated system of manufacturing a …

Building a CNC Mini Mill with the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity during Covid

My senior spring (2021) at MIT, I only needed one humanities subject to graduate, which left me ample time to take on classes and projects based …

Senior Capstone: Ward-Level, High-Flow Oxygen Generation for Low-Resource Environments

My senior capstone unfortunately coincided with the fully virtualized semester of Fall 2020. Nevertheless, I was able to have a meaningful team-based …

Summer Internship at Eli Lilly

This summer, I worked a medical device engineering internship with Eli Lilly at their Cambridge Innovation Center. Virtually, that is. This was a very …

Quick Fix: Repair of a Broken Baofeng CH-5 Charging Base

I don’t like giving up on technological objects when they first break; I instinctively try to figure out a way to fix them. This has paid off …


In the Spring of 2020 at MIT, I took 2.782, or Design of Medical Devices and Implants. Sounds about like what I’d be into. It was an excellent …

Early Activities with the MIT Radio Society (before Covid)

This is article one on my involvement with the Radio Society. I joined the MIT Radio Society in the fall of 2019. Given my natural affinity for large …

Determining the Optimal Ripstik Frequency, Empirically

In my junior fall (2019), I took a class at MIT called 2.671, or Measurement and Instrumentation. This class taught me a great many things that will …

Robotic Leg Jumping Experiment

In the fall of my junior year at MIT (2019), I took 2.74, or Bio-Inspired Robotics. It was a very interesting course. It taught me about impedance …